One lovely article in a local newspaper in my hometown in Greece and one fantastic post in an on-line newspaper!!!

Nea Egnatia (first page)
Nea Egnatia main article

The Big Fat Greek Baking became quite famous today!

A local newspaper called “Nea Egnatia’ and a journalist called Vivi Sofianou, offered me some space in a page of the newspaper. Thank you very much Vivi and Sissi Akokalidou (editor) for this lovely gesture.

I really owe you both goodies! Until next time I will come back to Kavala… Stay tuned!

The second post was in Kavala Post online… Please click HERE!!!D Thank you so very much Kavala Post!!! xxx


Πώς να φτιάξετε το δικό σας κέικ-κολοκύθα!!!


Halloween is Coming & I have been Baking!