
Preparation time:     15 mins

Time Baking:           30 mins

Biscuits:                    80



For the syrup

500ml water

800g sugar

150g honey

2 to 3 cinnamon sticks

3 whole cloves

1 orange cut in the middle


Mixture 1: All liquid ingredients with herbs together

400ml orange juice

400ml seed oil such as sunflower or rapeseed

180ml olive oil

50g icing sugar

1/2 teaspoons cloves

2-3 teaspoons cinnamon

1/4 teaspoons nutmeg

1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

Zest of 2 oranges

Mix 2: All solid materials

1 kilo plain flour

200g fine semolina


For the syrup

Our syrup has to be cooled before usage so we make sure we start it at least four hours before we finish baking our Melomakarona. This is because once we take them out of the oven, we should "baptise" them in syrup... There's a reason I use the word "baptise."

Combine all the ingredients for the syrup, except for the honey, to boil. Once the mixture has come to the boil, remove the pan from the heat and then add the honey. Stir well to homogenise the mixture and melt the honey in the syrup and let it cool.

For the Melomakarona

Preheat our fan oven to 190c or for the more traditional it is 210c.

Then we mix all the liquid Ingredients of the mixture 1 with herbs in a large bowl and mix well with a whisk to be homogenised.

In a different mixing bowl mix our flour with semolina so to be well combined. 

Then we add The liquids Materials In Solid and stir very gently with your hands, for No more than 10-12 seconds, or we'll break the mixture.. Time is enough to homogenise all the ingredients together.

Form The Melomakarona As uniformly as possible (3-4 cm diameter, 30 g each) and bake for about 20-25 minutes until they become crispy and get nice color. To be honest, because I use an electronic scale, it is much easier for me to weigh them every 30 grams and then to form "small boats".

Just Cook, Dip Hot Melomakaronas in cold syrup and leave for 10-15 seconds. Do not leave them above in order to avoid hard Melomakarona... Because they're too hot, they suck the cold syrup like a sponge. Usually keeps them 7-8 seconds floating on one side and tie the syrup for the same time and the other. Then strain and sprinkle with honey and walnuts. 

ΤIp: Do not mould the Melomakarona into their ball shapes for more than 10 – 12 seconds. If we work the mixture too much, there is a risk that a large amount of our oil will be lost and they will lose their crisp shell and become too soft all over.


Πασχαλινά κουλουράκια πλεξούδα της Μαρίας

